About Moving Beyond the Box

How come it's called 'Moving Beyond' or 'Moving Beyond the Box'?

The full name is ‘Moving Beyond the Box’. The reason I use ‘Moving Beyond’ is simply because it’s easier to say.

There’s a metaphor that many use when describing a way to personally change and grow, that doesn’t totally resonate with me, and that is the saying: ‘to think outside the box’.  Using this metaphor, I still see it as I’m too close to the box. The box to me means that that’s where I feel too comfortable, I’m not taking actions that will push me to something new. 

To learn to dance and move more care-free we need to reach further to Beyond. So, I use the metaphor and concept of Moving Beyond the box. In the Beyond is where I will learn new exciting things that might improve things in my life, something I’m not familiar with, like dancing care-free. 

In short the two different ways to look at it is:

To think outside the box, is where we are too mind focused, our thoughts and judgements are too much involved. 

To be beyond the box, we are more connected to our body, where we can move and groove feeling care-free.

What kind of music do you play in a class?

I play music for dancing and moving, but it might be music you are not so familiar with: like contemporary, prog-rock, punk, Nordic, instrumental or with lyrics. Also – sometimes people describe it as sounds rather than music. The reason I’m using those kinds of music genres is that it represents going beyond the box of the usual kind of music that we often hear on radio, TV, or what the Spotify algorithm feeds us.

How much is a dance class?

At the moment it costs £5/class. A class is 30 minutes long. Sometime further on, I will offer a monthly membership fee. 

What does a class look like?

This class is new, for now, it’s a 30 minutes class, here’s what the structure is:

It’s a rough (free, changing) structure, but here’s a taste of what a session might contain:

  • Start with 5-6 minutes set up including what we are going to explore for the session. For example, “let’s explore what it’s like to move for a few minutes without moving our arms.”
  • Then we move and dance for about 20 minutes.
  • Then we’ll round-up for about 5 minutes. 

Here's how to get started with Moving Beyond, dancing care-free

I suggest you start by finding out what dancing and moving care-free means to you. Be curious, ask yourself, “what does care-free mean to me”? There’s no right or wrong answer to this question, what’s important is what it means to You. Then ask yourself what could be the first thing to do to practice moving beyond and feeling/being care-free. An example is to start the day by shaking your body gently for 30 seconds every morning.